The search queries that are filtered by Google

continuing the theme of queries, not addressed by search engines (or specifically the queries are filtered). Last time the focus was Bing, which is not quite successfully tried to block the bots, causing some client requests that do not have cookies Bing return an error.

Now the "hole" found in Google: for example, this query [9999999..99999999999999999999999] is blocked by Google. Instead, the Niners may be other numbers.

This is a specific request format X..Y, which includes all numbers from X to Y. the hypothesis that the range of numbers is too large and therefore the system can not cope with the request can be discarded.

Small investigation showed that blocking such queries from Google, apparently due to suppression of the carders. In may 2011, a security expert from F-Secure Mikko Hypponen noticed, Google mobile search allows you to search for credit card numbers, indicating the appropriate range of numbers. Ten hours later such queries was blocked.

Apparently, the usual search Google blocks any search queries with a large range of numbers, if such requests are repeated with the same IP address. In General, search for "secret" information in the search engines — the old game of hackers, and only in recent years, search engines started to fight this by blocking some specific queries.

Interestingly, the mobile version of Google such requests with a range of numbers still return a result:
Article based on information from


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