oEmbed. Doing a web service? Do and oEmbed

Of course you've seen this effect when inserted in Facebook or myspace link in the post immediately begins to load some content from a website to which the link leads. And I saw, but didn't realize how easy it can be done oEmbed'ohms.

oEmbed.com — in principle, this could be and finish reading for those who want to undertake independent mini-research.

a Little theory

oEmbed is an open format created to facilitate the implementation of the content of one web page to another. The role content can be photos, videos, links, or other types of data. Simply put, the use of oembed allows you to embeded content (e.g., YouTube video) when a user post a normal link to it on your site.

The exchange of information, from the point of view oEmbed, occurs between the supplier and the consumer. A consumer wishes to show an embedded representation of third party resource on their own website, for example, it can be a photo from flickr or videos from youtube/vimeo. The provider implements the oEmbed API to enable delivery of this content to the consumer.

Request user — normal GET request should include the url and some optional parameters, such as maximum width, height, format (JSON, XML, etc.)
For example, to embedit video from YouTube, we will request the following:


answer, which we receive JSON that contains information about the video and the embed html.
"version": "1.0",
"type": "video",
"provider_name": "YouTube",
"provider_url": "http://youtube.com/",
"width": 425,
"height": 344,
"title": "Amazing Nintendo Facts",
"author_name": "ZackScott",
"author_url": "http://www.youtube.com/user/ZackScott",
"<object width=\"425\" height=\"344\">
<param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/M3r2XDceM6A&fs=1\"></param>
<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>
<param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param>
<embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/M3r2XDceM6A&fs=1\"
type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"344\"
allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></embed>

But with the same success we can obtain API keys, log in, do a search of the video, collect data, and independently form object and insert it.

Further more. The first query in Google about jquery plugin brought me to http://code.google.com/p/jquery-oembed/. And accessible examples explain how to use the plugin in full. It was written simply enough, and if it so happened that you have not discovered a desired resource, append its implementation is not difficult.

Little practice

On Best Youtube Lyrics, which made the guys from Zengile, you can add clips from YouTube, complete with words of songs, or for example to look for a clip lyrics. Ie. the main business is a logical thing — adding a video. I just decided to use oEmbed to show a video that will be attached.

In haml-vyuha I finished one line from the wonder, in which to display videos
 = text_field_tag 'youtube', params[:youtube] / / is the usual <input type="text" id="youtube">
#oembed / / is the usual <div id="oembed"></div>

The plug-in js file, added a single function. That's all:
$(document).ready( function() { 
var yt = $("#youtube");
var emb = $("#oembed");

// when the user moves to another field,
emb.oembed(yt.val(), {
// we take the value from field #youtube and start embeding thing in #oembed
embedMethod: "append",
youtube: {maxWidth:500}
this is the result:

To see how it works and add your clip and words you can here.


You the consumer: are you doing some kind of social resource, so why don't you care about your users and not force them to copy html embed code to their video/photo was published on your site. The more often the html tags are cut, and paste variable s users are not permitted on the grounds of safety.
You are a supplier: you have created a resource that has interesting content (some image-Board or just as a resource parasite on top social networks like instagram). Implement yourself oembed API, and then you will be easier to integrate in other sites, the number of hits to your resource will increase. Investment money will flow.

Here is a list of those who have already sold themselves oEmbed API.

UPD Material prepared for the group Code-n-coffee, which holds IT events in St. Petersburg. The purpose of these meetings is not only to exchange knowledge but also to familiarize developers with each other to form a community and developer culture. We're good at. It's free. Join.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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