Bing search for the first time surpassed Yahoo in popularity

According to the analytical Agency comScore, in December 2011, the search service from Microsoft took a larger share of the search market in the US than the search engine Yahoo. It happened for the first time, but for the most part the cause of the incident — the loss of the search market Yahoo. In December, Bing has added just 0.1% to a private share, but Yahoo lost 0.6%, which is a pretty significant loss.

In any case, the Bing team can celebrate, because the share of this search service at least a little, but continues to grow. By the way, recently Bing has turned 3 years. It should be noted that the search service from Microsoft is a platform for running Yahoo search. In December 2010 Bing belonged to 12% of the search market in the United States, at the time, as the figure for Yahoo was 16%. The growth of Bing is largely due to successful policy of Microsoft Corporation is a team of search engine does everything for its promotion.

In the meantime, Yahoo continues to lose ground. In 2000, the search service this company gave Google search engine. Around the same time, the search service of "Corporation of Good" has become so well known, how famous was Yahoo. Four years the two companies competed both equally, but since 2004, Yahoo has entered a period of crisis, which is still ongoing. Especially bad for Yahoo was 2008, when Yang, the former CEO of this company refused to sell Yahoo to Microsoft.

Now Yahoo and Bing are very far from Google, this company belongs to 65.9% of search market according to comScore. The popularity of Google is not going to fall in December, the search service has gained 0.5 percent.

Via Mashable
Article based on information from


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