Why Habr popular science?

habré a lot of articles on the "General" topic and little technical articles. And some technical articles disappear (in drafts). For observant readers Habra it is no secret that the UFO is trying to rectify this situation by inviting from the Sandbox of authors of technical articles, but the special effects this is not observed — writing a couple of articles that the author usually goes to the commentators (well, if not hog your article in the drafts).
This little article is the reasoning. I'm just sharing my thoughts, without claims to absolute truth. There may be supporters or critics of such thinking. Those who are not interested — just pass by...
The "demand" for such articles is small.

Why so few technical articles, despite the efforts of the UFO to attract authors?

It is clear that sponsored posts, reviews, software and equipment necessary and they will not escape. These articles are interesting to read most, they attract audience, bring money and fame and maybe something else, but for writing such articles usually requires a minimum of technical knowledge and high literary skill. To write a similar article in most cases you do not need to have some sort of profound professional skills.

Technically any enikey, junior programmer or a novice with electronics (yesterday learn to blink a led on Arduino) — can write such an article (if you have a particular writing talent).

That's fine, these articles are interesting, but look at the flip side.

Technical articles of interest to the majority — in which the authors earn karma and get some power in the community. But what is most these authors? Anikei, junior programmers, beginners electronics? Them by definition an order of magnitude greater than more skilled professionals able to share a really interesting sector-specific knowledge!

So what happens to specialists? Yes, they also write articles (on Habre there is a very interesting material and is updated periodically with new), but the bulk of the low skilled are simply unable to assess them, sometimes this lack of understanding of the article leads to its rejection and karma and a rating of the author, in principle, good feature articles, merge. Often, as soon as the rating of the article starts to leave in a minus — it is transferred to drafts and never "published".

Of course the author goes into the "commentators", neither of which desire to share knowledge with the community resource is no longer there (well, maybe one more attempt "to recover"). Some after that, "imbued with the spirit of Habra" and stop writing technical articles — write what the audience perceives. Of course, in this scenario, neither of which the inflow of competent authors and the development of specialized hubs of the question.


On habré could remain to be a popular scientific resource. Maybe a UFO will come up as to protect the highly specialized article in the thematic hubs and to enable these hubs to develop professionals to organize self-regulation is not within the entire community and each of its branches. But it is quite possible UFO, and it does not need to...


PS gameboyhippo, andorro, Fiesta, and others, remaining anonymous — thank you. You have just confirmed the accuracy of the observations described in this article. And the statistics of voting for the article as it suggests that Your point of view is not the only (though it most)(already not in the majority).

UPD.1 I do not propose to make a revolution/cancel karma/cancel a vote. Just pointing out that the existing self-regulation mechanisms of the community do not allow him to develop in some areas. In any case, the findings do not those who comment here, anonymously or quietly lost money article, and even drains my karma (If I cared about karma on habré — this post would not exist).

UPD.2 I have considered the request of the author of "popular" articles @acosta
Show an example of the article, the author of which scored in the comments and zaminusovali

and decided that to point fingers would be incorrect. Maybe someone from the "Odabranih" who still visits the site on a comment alone shows up in the comments?

UPD.3 As the discussion and voting is a topical problem. Waiting for the arrival of a UFO...

UPD.4 In the comments there were a lot of suggestions for improvements, but most of them are simple action (something to abolish, to change the weight). I would suggest that simple measures are not enough, needed more fine-tuning of the regulation mechanism.
One thing is for sure — there's a problem, otherwise this post (and its neighbor) at once would be stalled and not agitated the minds of Habrovky.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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