"What?" — for those who care

the Project "What to do?" is not entirely new. He was born back in 2011. Even then I had the idea to create a cozy place where people could share their problems and find their solution, or at least get moral support. But only now, after almost three years, he began to acquire the qualities that I wanted him to give.


image We have lots of themed communities where you can find answers to practically relevant questions. But sometimes in life there are situations in which without the advice of a friend just is not enough. It is this atmosphere of friendly support is the basis of "What to do".

Yes, not everyone can call "friends" those who have never seen and may not even know their names. The format of hundreds of "friends" in the popular social networks people are much more familiar and already had time to settle. But as it was called, the fact that somewhere on the other end, there are people ready to listen, to understand and try to help, very much worth it.

For whom?

"What?" is a place where people come not just to complain or pour out all their problems. It is a place where people want to find help, support, and someone meaning of life. That is, at least, they are aware of the problem and have a desire to solve it.

The main ideology of the project lies the principle of conservation significance. Behind every question is a specific person, with their feelings and their experiences. This principle allows not to allow the issue to "disappear" and become insignificant for the rest.

Very common to hear excuses like: "that children are starving in Africa, it's really important, and your problems here and nearby did not stand". It is clear that the problems are of varying difficulty. But appreciating them, people usually compare the projected situation for themselves and make a seemingly logical decision.

But the brain is a complicated thing and two problems in one head is not the same that the two problems from two different people. One person may want to be fed more than wanting a new iPhone. But two different people may want these, absolutely incomparable importance of things, in exactly the same way.

Remembering that this problem is important for a particular person and penetrating in the situation, you can help him or her much more than comparing hundreds-of thousands of situations and prioritization.


For comfortable operation of the project, both in principle and everywhere, it is necessary to maintain order. However, the "order" is a subjective concept. You cannot do good to everyone. But you can do good for the audience for which the project was created. It is the upholding of the principles helps to not go off course and to maintain an atmosphere in which the project has created within itself over the years.

Of course, I'd love to go to the self-regulation community, but for this current audience is not enough, therefore, the support order is done by moderation. Interestingly, with the development of the project have to moderate less, although questions and answers are getting bigger. I associate it with the "broken Windows theory". People try to write more intelligently, to better Express their thoughts and to show more respect for others, and trolls choose other places of entertainment when they see "how it works".

what to do?

Now "What to do?" is set more than a thousand questions and given more than seven and a half thousand responses. A lot or a little? I think that counting numbers is not quite appropriate here, because the project helps people, and it means that everyone is important.

I hope that the project will continue to evolve and gather a community of people who care. Who want to make the world just a little better. I'll be glad to see you a part of this community.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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