We continue to adjust virtually free advertising for the users of Habra. This time using the widget authorization

In the last post I pointed out the obvious vulnerability Habra, which allows to insert a retargeting pixel VK in need of articles for collecting the maximum target audience and further advertising it through social networks.

Thanks to the efforts of developers, this problem was successfully poliksena within a few days, but our Saga is not over. Let me remind you that according to the official price list Habra the cost of 1000 impressions of the banner for users of the resource ranges from 400 to 550 rubles. For geo-targeting Moscow and St. Petersburg will have to pay 20 percent and 15 percent respectively.

But still there is a way to advertise to the same audience paying 30-150 roubles per thousand impressions. Let's think how to fix and this feature:


We will focus on the widget authorization through social networks. The method described here works with ANY website, has the ability to log in via the VC.

Click the Log in button and select Facebook. The following screen appears:


Red ellipse selected client_id. Sometimes he is in the beginning, sometimes at the end of the line, but I have not seen a site where it would not exist. Copy the numbers after the equals sign (if Habra is a 3110645) and go to the ad office Vkontakte.

Insert the resulting number to Apps and websites advertising account in VK, and we obtain the following results:


145 thousand people who have avtorizovanij habré using the widget. (frankly, I'm not entirely sure about what time is it). Using the tools of VC specify the required parameters of the audience (gender/age/geography) and have the opportunity to advertise to this target audience is 5-10 times cheaper than the official price Habra.

But let's for a moment move away from our beloved site and think about where else you could apply this feature. Suppose you have an online clothing store, and you would like to advertise on people who are likely to buy at such online stores.

How to get to the hot audience?

Going through the top of the Internet, looking at various Lamoda and get access to the audience that at least log onto their sites (and likely interested in buying). A similar trick is possible with any Internet-shop and a project in which there are competitors with strong sites. And widgets the authorization.

Great it works and for projects in the digital sphere. For example, if you advertise the courses on desktop publishing, you can always collect user htmlacademy.ru and a whole group of similar projects, which usually have authorization through social networks.

Examples of what may be many, but the main message is that this trick helps to get to the audience, which is usually not so simple to reach.

How ethical to use this method? I understand that in the eyes of most programmers will look like a bad person for recognition to use this method (and I very often use). At the same time, I am convinced that there are two types of vulnerability.

On one side are the stunts and tricks to help you reach your target audience with maximum efficiency (this may include the above-described method, and for example, the story of the substitution of images in the same Contact, when contrary to the rules of the site it was possible to address the user by name, age, replacing the picture in promopost after moderation), and on the other methods, the purpose of which is to DECEIVE the user. As, for example, the substitution of the results of competitions for random.org using simple scripts, generating any desired number under the guise of "randomness".
First help to achieve cool results, by showing adverts as interested users (there is nothing wrong with advertising a good product for people for whom this product can be useful). Second, we need to punish and****but, his hands and feet are a bad person.

Be smart but don't get these the most! And if you want to learn a little more about the secret life of Internet promotion, you can always sign up cozy telegram channel where I sometimes share interesting observations, which are impossible to wrap in a full post.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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