
As they say — laziness is the engine of progress. I have not opened anything new and as anything new has come up. To undertake the implementation of this idea I pushed that universal monetarily not able to work with some of our trackers (for example, and functional a little not what I need. The project was originally written exclusively suit their own requirements and challenges, and then wanted to share it with people.

The features list looks as follows:
— tracking of topics on
— tracking of topics on
— tracking reliterate on
— tracking reliterate on
— search for new episodes on
— search for new episodes on

If you become a little bit interesting, welcome under kat.

In fact, I'm working on a project for almost 2 years, releasing new versions, fighting with the trackers falling RSS and change the layout. For me this is nothing more than a hobby, but over the almost 2 years I so loved it that was released a completely new version that satisfies me is 96% and that 1% more (for me personally), what would you like that to write about it on habré. I'm not a programmer, so the code is certainly far from ideal, and I, during the work on the project, constantly learned (thanks to him) for themselves something new, something altered, added, deleted and written from scratch. Actually, I believe that each person should be here is such his project, which he will love to work on them and get pleasure from it.

But it was a digression, back to the topic.

For a year and a half, I saw the interest in the project from users. Without any advertising, with only a page in cosy Giesecke blog, the system was downloaded more than 700 people. During the project, I met a great developer for Mac OS with which we still work today (already on other projects), who liked my idea and it implemented under the above-mentioned Axis.

After 3 months of silence (which I'm actively working on functionality), I present to you a completely new version, which received a huge number of updates, which I now tell you.

First- completely redesigned! The old version, as I hadn't turned over — did not meet the requirements of usability of the system, so in the end, it was decided to draw a design from scratch. The design engaged Lithuania, and I was very pleased with the work done by her. The design was easy, comfortable. Layout and integrations of JS code worked Maksim Sofronov (maxsof), and I want to say a huge thank you to these people for helping to work on the project. I think if not for their help, the project would have got stuck for a long time.

Secondly, the engine was once again quite heavily rewritten, speed of work has increased on average by 15%, and the stability and "tenacity" of the system increased for the better.

Thirdly, I slightly expanded the functionality of the monitor. Probably not only for me, sometimes it is interesting to follow not only the updated distributions but also for certain reliterate on trackers, so, now this function is implemented. Perhaps at first glance this section may seem somewhat complex, but I think this all quickly get used to it. After adding a user you can see the last 20 hands he created, you can delete individual topics from this list, you can put some of them to download (torrents will be downloaded when you next start the engine), and can move the topic in the monitor (if it is updatable distribution), but at the end of all lists is the "clear" button that removes all the found distribution for all users. I think after trying once or twice you may well be dealing with this, in my opinion, a very useful function.
Fourth — added the function of checking the operation of all modules of the system, this is what I have long been a requested and I finally took up the realization of this function. I hope it will be useful to you when you first start.

Of course many will say — "this can be done by parsing RSS torrent rocking or watch online cooler" or "I see new links in my profile" and they will be right. Another question — to whom that is more convenient.
As I said in the beginning, the system was written for themselves, for their own requirements and needs, but personally I prefer to get a notification that you have published a new series, and I know that when I got home I quietly collapsing on the couch after work and watch fresh episode of your favorite series. All you need to do this — once set up monitoring, once set up the torrent client "podmazyvanie" torrent files from the folder and voila — get ready a system that does that for you to see the series will not :)

I hope this post and my small razrabotochka seem useful to someone and even if just one person after reading she will use me and that will be enough.

In General, I am very interested to develop the project further, I would be extremely interested in working with programmers (and probably not only PHP) that would improve the system or add new functionality, add new torrent trackers and learn for yourself something new.

And most importantly, a link to version 0.7. but how to deploy and test the system described in the readme file in the archive.

Well, what's a post without pictures? :)
Hidden text

Asks many questions about what lostfilm/novafilm no update, I will explain the method of operation of monitoring: the Technology of the monitor lostfilm/novafilm — read RSS feeds, as tape returns only the last 20 hands, respectively, if the last series of your series came out more than 2-3 days ago — most likely in the distribution of no, when will the new series (it will appear in RSS feeds) — all are updated. Search the latest out of the series I didn't implement it because I thought it was inappropriate.

System requirements:
PHP 5.3 and above, must be compiled with cURL and PDO.
Also, in php.ini (for CLI), you must change the following settings:
max_execution_time = 300
allow_url_fopen = on (this option is desirable to include in php.ini for CLI and web server)
to set the date.timezone

— download the archive
— expand the database dump torrentmonitor.sql
— move all files to a folder on your server (e.g. /var/www/htdocs/torrentmonitor/)
— the rules config.php and specify the information to access the database
go to the web interface (default password is torrentmonitor, change(!) it after first login).
— specify the credentials of trackers
— specify in the settings save path of the torrent (the folder that is monitored by your torrent client), e-mail and enable/disable the notifications
— add torrents for monitoring
— go to the tab "test" and check whether everything is working correctly
— add in the cron engine.php
*/10 * * * * php -q /path/to/folder/torrent_monitor/engine.php

upd: posted source on github, invite all interested
Article based on information from


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