Three minutes to setup Wi-Fi authentication via SMS

I have a good friend, the owner very cozy and popular cafe in Suzdal, which has recently undergone renovation and extension. Money invested in the interior was a lot, it finally came up to Wi-Fi. Amid the ventilation on this case, my friend all went out all in a circle and clashed in debate with his cousin (lawyer by profession), if he is free to do whatever you want in your "cafe with a claim to the restaurant," if it does not harm guests – specifically, we are talking about a single Wi-Fi access to guests in all rooms and on the veranda of the restaurant of the future fly.

For example, recently obligatnah office in Moscow, the company I was going to recommend him Edimax PRO, as to this day problems with the equipment arose, but the price tag is acceptable. After discussion with the relative of a lawyer friend of mine came back to me with the remark that they say is no options to order a wider channel along with the equipment from local Telecom, which will shield him from all potential claims of supervising bodies "if that." His relative allegedly explained in detail that is now required to be kind of tricky authorization, and accounting of users-guests, which can only give Telekom with its own hardware.

As a result, I told my megaresort "wait, don't do anything for a couple of days" and began to study this question from two sides: from the standpoint of the legislative framework and the fact that we can "cook" available Edimax without attaching expensive "magnetic sphere" in the face of local Ops.

Share the results of my work, which resulted in simple, in my opinion, the authorization method Wi-Fi users via SMS.

The maximum that I was internally ready – to schoolbestuur a GSM-gateway on the raspberry and the script, but in fact "all up to us."

Following the results of studying the law-Talmud, it was found that indeed, public access WiFi network now regulated and for a long time, since July 2014, when the resolution of the government No. 758, the essence of which is to ensure that anonymous users to go to an open WiFi network is now impossible. All users need to authenticate, Yes, six months to store data about them, time and volume of services provided. For owners of cafes, restaurants, like my friend, but also small shops, hotels, clinics, travel agencies and other businesses of the service sector that want to lure customers with free Wi-Fi – it turns out, in simple language, hemorrhoids, non-core expenditure of time and money for a companion is not the main subject, and with reference to the specific service provider for a long time. Any jumping to another Telecom will bring forth a whole chain of problems that must be re-addressed.

But the law is the law and strictly speaking, even the fact that my Suzdal, back in the old tea house was a simple router on the window in the living room – it turns out there was already a violation. And if you go head on, the choice is simple: either go begging to large operators (local by the way not everyone has such a service), giving them part of the profit for the provision of telematic services, or to pull the cable from the RJ45 port of the access point your favorite places.

But there is a third way and want to share.

Dozens of times seen in EDIMAX'e this setting on their controller and never thought about the fact that she is useful to me. Handy! In fact, the familiar problem was solved in just 3 minutes of the experiment, and describe further.

Read more about the method. On is good because:

A) do not violate the law and autorisoes users strictly according to the law, that is, via SMS, with all necessary data identification.
B) money operators do not pay, let the content of what we have to buy the channel.

Actually, this setting and is dedicated to the short article. Now, in order:

1. Turn on the controller Edimax APC500 to the network. The presence of points or ready deployed Wi-Fi networks do not have. Notice that the controller has 8 GB for data storage connection. Captive portal can be turned on and off at any time. Or switch between presets.

2. If there is a DHCP server you need to find what IP received the controller. If no DHCP server – the default IP and can see the settings page of the NMS (hereinafter screenshots from the above video):

3. Choose:

>NMS Settings>System Accounts

In the controller АРС500 service of sending SMS is already built and works on the basis of two pre-defined operators. Obviously they use the best software and hardware, rather than hardware, which can use a separate private company, for example, the GSM gateway. (Of course, a cafe or a coffee shop even can't think about this gateway, but he did not need them). Service as operator is extremely cheap and, as far as I know, you may distribute up to one million SMS and does not require special attention and support.

In Russia, such service provider provides to Telecom Stream (stream Telekom). I admit that a lot of people still, but right in the controller Edimax it is already programmed in advance as a mother. So first we need to do some preparatory work to register on the operator's website and create an account. You will receive a login and password that must be entered in the controller menu.

In this setting, authorization via SMS has been completed.

4. Now you need to determine which Wi-Fi users to authenticate via SMS. For this you need to create two user groups: Frontdesk and Guest group. Next, we need to establish that users are dynamic and need to choose a web site to forward.

For administrator settings, SMS notification is not required, but you need to enable an authentication method – SMS. Select the country code +7 and select the label to Use Cell Phone numbers as Username.

5. The last operation configure a Captive portal, where you can configure the message that will be received by the user (greeting, name, place, ads, etc.)

6. You can also configure the page itself Captive Portal where you display your logo, templates, graphics, completely or partially to change the license agreement. As you can see, nothing smart in that it can master any person, even slightly acquainted with the administration.

Well, actually, that's all, now the owner can not be afraid of penalties for illegal distribution of traffic, and given the fact that he's going to open a wing of the property, he will have to buy another dozen points and manage with them will still be easier with the controller than without it. Accordingly, the one-time investment for a long time, and, therefore, strategically meaningful.

As they say, Bon appetit.

PS Russian interface in the controller there, all translated. But the author just easier to make settings to English.
Article based on information from


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