Task for $500. As a startup looking for programmers

Many companies do not seek to improve or change in their attitude towards recruitment: the principle works good admin "works — do not touch", laziness, confidence in the antiquated methods of work of personnel officers (underline).

/ > Do search the developers — the subject is quite complex, partly because of the abundance of contradictory information. Only on habré in the hub "HR" interested in the question, the reader will find a lot of things about everything.

In this post I will not make any heartbreaking conclusions, I just want to increase the level of entropy to tell you how to find good developers is small, but very multinational start-up, what works and what does not work.


Creative research

So, the firm is growing, the amount of work doubles every Monday, requires developers, possibly the most wonderful and excellent. This is a real problem: to find a Junior or middling coder is easy, and with intelligent developers on the market (conditional) trouble.

Proven large employers are in pole position: many talented programmers want to get a job in Microsoft, for example. It is not even about salary in a startup can easily be on the same level or higher — just about MS knows different (i.e. good) stuff a huge number of people, and the firm "Elusive Joe, Ltd." nobody knows anything.


the Solution

In this situation, one of my friend is Director of a small (approximately 10 personnel) of the company has decided to make finding good programmers separate mini-project:

  1. to everyone a simple objective C;
  2. the
  3. sent a good solution programmer gets $500, just like that;
  4. the most delicious — referral system: to send the task to the talented developer and earn $500 with him (so this thing is spreading, I sent it to the Manager); the

  5. and only after that, if the programmer and the company have mutual affection, start negotiations on employment.

It is a viable system: the carrot in the form of five hundred dollars for 20 minutes work is a bit more than I usually get in 20 minutes of work (ill be me); the "viral" distribution system also turns out to be working.



What happens the bottom line: no need to read summary; reduced load on the HR Department, because the talk starts with those children who have the necessary skills. The cons is written as a prize (in this case about $25K).

Subjectively, I like it much more than a "cold" mailing list from LinkedIn. Maybe I just love to solve problems.


Discussion and links

If you are interested in any things, please ask in the comments, I'll try to find out. Russian administration of the company says, therefore, to invite to the discussion will not work; I promise to broadcast information verbatim.

Earn on beer knowledge in the C language it is possible contest page (referral system only works through the mail, this is not a Ref. link).

Most importantly: do you think that such methods of finding employees have a future?
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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