Sport and a bit of linear equations
This text is written exclusively for the Habra and contains my personal experiences, fun facts and a bit of advertising.
First, the backstory.
I never attached much importance to his physical development and it seemed pretty boring to spend my time playing sports. I thought that my form is within the norm and sex is enough to burn extra calories. And I really hardly thought about the sport years up to 30. But gradually her body dissatisfaction accumulated, and I well remember the turning point. That day I bought a large double wardrobe in IKEA, brought it home and tried to collect. After 6 hours I was lying on the floor, panting, and thought about the fact that I'm no longer a teenager and definitely needs to reconsider its attitude to physical development.
Because I love the game, and my work is connected with gaming, then I will use game terms. I apologize in advance to those who will find it inappropriate.
Let's start with “the maximization of advantages.”
I'm trying to systematically approach things that are important to me and therefore, for some time studied the theory of the question. As a result, I identified three main ways. Conditionally they can be divided into casual and hardcore midkor. Casual is the pool, running, roller-blading, group classes, sports, yoga etc. Medcor is rocking, and rocking it hardcore pharmaceuticals. Casaul option seemed very tempting, but was unfortunately rejected for weak efficiency. Yeah, it's pretty fun, but achieving the same physical form takes much more time than with strength training. Those who are planning to participate in competitions, or, for example, actors who urgently need to bulk up for the role in the film, use the hardcore version, but the farm in my eyes has too many drawbacks: the farm affects the fragile hormonal balance of the body, requires constant monitoring from the doctor and delivery of analyses, a bad influence on the emotional sphere and not quite legal. After evaluating all the pros and cons I chose medcor option.
I just got lucky and the first trek to the gym, I met a great coach (Dima, Hello). He is imbued with the seriousness of my intentions and came to help me. The first four months was very hard. Both physically and mentally. I survived only thanks to the professionalism of the coach. He gave a large, but acceptable to me loads and supported psychologically, along the way dispelling many of the myths spread by casual. Most people think their form will start to improve from the first lesson, expose themselves to exorbitant loads and quickly leave without getting the result. In fact, a few months is just to learn how to do exercises and to develop the necessary endurance. The next revelation for me was that a direct path does not work. In order to lose weight (ie lose fat), you must first gain muscle mass (i.e. visually getting fat), and only then to start active weight loss.
Here are some simplified picture of how the body functions. Energy (calories) spent on the maintenance of life and physical activity. If the body with food comes more calories than consumed, then some part of the surplus is deposited as fat. This mechanism was the result of evolution and allowed people to survive in times of famine. And if in the moment the problem of hunger has receded into the background, the ancient schemes, inherent in us, there is nothing to do with it. Therefore, most of the effort is in fact to “cheat” the body. It would seem that it is possible to limit the influx of calories and then fat will not accumulate. It is not so. If the calorie consumption is more than comes from food, the body's need to compensate for the deficiency. Part of the energy (small) course will be taken from the accumulated fat, but so arranged nature that in the first place the body will get rid of the most useless and energy-consuming, namely from the muscle. Why do we need muscles? If you look from the point of view of calorie consumption, that's the only (well, almost) our parameter, which we can influence. If we want to significantly increase your metabolic rate (energy expenditure), we need a lot of muscle. Thus, increasing muscle mass and not allowing to accumulate fats, we can gradually shift the balance towards good shape. In practice, however, more effective is not simultaneous pumping and fat burning, and cycles of weight gain and drying.
So after few months I got used to three workouts a week and started slowly to build muscle. Progress is bad, and I began to think about how you can improve the efficiency of this process. And here on the foreground there was the food. As I said in the previous paragraph, it is important that the amount of nutrients entering the body as accurately as possible consistent with its needs. It turns out that it is possible to calculate. There are formulas that take into account the different parameters weight, height, etc. There are devices that measure metabolism. It does not matter where to start, since the exact values we get a little later. Knowing your estimated daily calorie consumption you can go further, namely to calculate how much proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need to eat every day. For muscle growth it is recommended to eat 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Fat at least 1 gram per kilogram of body weight or less, and the rest carbs. By the way, it turned out that fats are also necessary for normal functioning of the body, although the temptation was not even there. After receiving three numbers, I tried to relate them with real products. Having suffered a few days with the calculations on a piece of paper, I asked the coach whether it is possible to somehow simplify this process, suddenly there is some special software for this? He said that most of the athletes use a fairly limited menu, only 3-4 of the product and therefore, it is not so difficult to find the exact number to eat its normal. I tried. A couple of weeks I had enough, my diet consisted of chicken breast, rice, cottage cheese and oatmeal. I decided that my willpower is quite a finite amount and I'm not ready to subject it to such tests. It was necessary as-that to diversify your meal without reducing the effectiveness of the diet. A little googling, I was surprised to have not found a convenient tool that would solve this problem. Of course, there were many applications for tracking food eaten, but they were not given any bonuses compared to counting on paper. A big disadvantage of this system was that I almost could not eat outside the home. Any trip to a restaurant or cafe, in the middle of the day completely planned out diet. I had to be able to quickly make adjustments to planned menus based on the availability of certain dishes and products.
The ideal solution was a mobile app that would contain a list of products with information about the amount of nutrients allowed to edit this list, add or subtract the quantity of each product, as well as to instantly reduce the daily balance. Almost immediately came the idea to implement this is a list of sliders (number of products). The user can move one of the sliders, and the application adjusts the position of the other, but so that the total amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates through the whole list exactly matched the plan. The problem was reduced to solving a simple system of linear equations, with some restrictions on the solutions. So appeared the first version of datagraph.
The application was made, that is, for himself, so it looked a bit different then. But my trainer is very quickly appreciated the convenience and speed of diet planning in delagrave and gradually into the circle of trust involved relatives, friends and other visitors to the gym. Testing and improvements took more than a year. In the process discovered many interesting details. For example, what is the glycemic index and how fast carbohydrates are different from slow, why not all proteins are created equal and that the fats are saturated or unsaturated, and which of them are useful. The application interface was drastically improved in all aspects, but the solver became much smarter. At some point I got tired of sending the invitation to TestFlight and I decided that Dietograph ready to fill..
After I started to control the power, there are some results, looking ahead, I can say that I managed to gain 10 kg of meat for six months, which is pretty good for my weight (before the start of classes was 62 kg, and in the end weight was 76 kg, beginners it happens). And getting achievements “washboard abs” it took me about a year (and two cycles of the dryer).
If someone decides to repeat my way, I will tell you some life hacks. Because to know the exact individual value of daily calorie consumption is quite difficult and the iterative method. First you need to calculate the value for one of three formulas (“metabolism calculator”), or found on the Internet or ask your coach. Then you need to enter the received data into the calculator day diet and diligently to comply with this diet a couple of weeks, while forget about the scale weighing every 2-3 days. If the weight falls, it means you need to eat more often if growing, so it is possible to eat less. Add and subtract is necessary gradually, no more than 200-300 calories a week. The body is an inertia thing, so almost always have to wait a couple of weeks to notice changes. If the weight is stabilized, we found the desired values and you can choose what to do next, for example, to gain weight. By the way, I seriously malnourished to its rules, when focused on your feelings and appetite. And actually it's quite a counter intuitive thing, you can not fully trust yourself in this matter, better to just count. Another fun fact, an untrained person cannot tell by eye products weight, the error is usually up to 50%, which deprives diet sense. So weigh all of the products (at least until you develop the eye).
It is very important to eat evenly throughout the day. The more meals the better. How would you need to convince the body that hunger is not threatened and there is no reason to delay reserves for a rainy day. For muscle growth also requires a constant influx of nutrients, which is why many athletes eat protein foods before bed, and some even Wake up at night to drink a protein shake.
In any case, I repeat that the diet makes sense only in conjunction with sports. Individually it's not working.
So, let's say you want to do strength training and diet. Let's say you have (like me) special genetic bonus or penalty to the Constitution, and you want to achieve visible results in a year. What you need to be ready? First and foremost is the cost. Costs time and money.
First, it takes time to workout. I stopped at three sessions at the gym per week. Three more have already gives significant bonuses (excluding the drying period, of course). Total, to get to the hall, work out (an hour and a half), then the hitch (about 20 minutes), shower and drive back. I can't miss. At all. Personally, I have one lesson along the road takes about 3 hours. Secondly, a huge amount of time will take the preparation and absorption of food. The average person can eat a big Mac on the way home and drink his beer. You got it wrong. Will have to plan ahead at least a four-time meal, and then painfully shoved in itself is a huge amount of food. If preparation can deal the wife or the slow cooker, then eat it all yourself. I think we can appreciate it all in 3 hours every day. Total 3*3+7*3 = 30 hours per week.
As for the money, then try to estimate the budget on the example of St. Petersburg. A gym membership can cost anywhere from 5,000 to 35,000 rubles a year. Dear hall does not give any bonus in leveling, but it could be more comfortable or just closer to home. Personal training. For beginners it is simply “a must”. I believe that it is absolutely impossible to learn how to do the exercises and expect the program without relevant experience. You'll just be wasting your time or even hurt yourself. A good coach will be able to protect you from injury and optimize loads in real time and will help psychologically. Besides, having a coach is much more likely not to quit and to hold out this year. Personal training sessions cost a lot, 500-1500 rubles for one lesson. A year to buy 30-150 training. The next item of expenditure is food. If carbohydrates and fats are relatively cheap, high-quality protein food is decent money. Well, if you can eat chicken breast all year round (100-200 rubles per kilogram), but if you want variety, the beef is more expensive (400 rubles) and fresh tuna can cost 500-700 rubles. If you have to dine in the café, you can safely multiply all prices by 2 or 3. For the character, weighing 75 kg, per day need about 150 gr. protein, and this amount contains about 750 grams of meat or cheese.
Subscription: 20 000.
Coach: 1000 * 90 = 90, 000.
Food: 300 * 365 = 109 500 rubles.
The app “Datograph”: 329 rubles.
Total: 219 829 rubles.
Of course, I have taken into account here, not all, and someone will find ways to save money, but seriously, this is quite a serious budget. On the other hand, if you do not deal with full dedication, then you will need significantly more time to achieve the same results (if at all reach). Therefore, even in terms of money it makes sense to vpahivat to complete, not to mention the irretrievable time.
For those readers who have mastered this wall of text, I want to draw some conclusions. The topic of sport and nutrition is truly vast and rich in outrage. It would be foolish to claim the ultimate truth. However, it is my personal and hard-won experience. All of the practices described above actually work and show good efficacy that has been tested on myself and a few volunteers. In addition, numerous consultations with experts convinced me that everything is quite safe for health.
As for application, it is made for iPhone and iPod, written in a mixture of C++ and ObjC, so no idea how to port it to Android or WP, if only to rewrite again. Application fee for several reasons. Firstly, I want to recoup the cost of design and other direct costs, and second, that comes for free people value a lot less (I can say that if I found a similar app when I began doing sports, I would not be sorry and amounts much larger). Thirdly, the price of the app is ridiculous with the other expenses. However, if religion or other factors do not allow you to use paid apps, I am ready to send promo codes first 50 applicants, but with the condition that you send me a report about your personal experience of pumping, say, six months.
I will be glad to answer readers ' questions.
Article based on information from
First, the backstory.
I never attached much importance to his physical development and it seemed pretty boring to spend my time playing sports. I thought that my form is within the norm and sex is enough to burn extra calories. And I really hardly thought about the sport years up to 30. But gradually her body dissatisfaction accumulated, and I well remember the turning point. That day I bought a large double wardrobe in IKEA, brought it home and tried to collect. After 6 hours I was lying on the floor, panting, and thought about the fact that I'm no longer a teenager and definitely needs to reconsider its attitude to physical development.
Because I love the game, and my work is connected with gaming, then I will use game terms. I apologize in advance to those who will find it inappropriate.
Let's start with “the maximization of advantages.”
I'm trying to systematically approach things that are important to me and therefore, for some time studied the theory of the question. As a result, I identified three main ways. Conditionally they can be divided into casual and hardcore midkor. Casual is the pool, running, roller-blading, group classes, sports, yoga etc. Medcor is rocking, and rocking it hardcore pharmaceuticals. Casaul option seemed very tempting, but was unfortunately rejected for weak efficiency. Yeah, it's pretty fun, but achieving the same physical form takes much more time than with strength training. Those who are planning to participate in competitions, or, for example, actors who urgently need to bulk up for the role in the film, use the hardcore version, but the farm in my eyes has too many drawbacks: the farm affects the fragile hormonal balance of the body, requires constant monitoring from the doctor and delivery of analyses, a bad influence on the emotional sphere and not quite legal. After evaluating all the pros and cons I chose medcor option.
I just got lucky and the first trek to the gym, I met a great coach (Dima, Hello). He is imbued with the seriousness of my intentions and came to help me. The first four months was very hard. Both physically and mentally. I survived only thanks to the professionalism of the coach. He gave a large, but acceptable to me loads and supported psychologically, along the way dispelling many of the myths spread by casual. Most people think their form will start to improve from the first lesson, expose themselves to exorbitant loads and quickly leave without getting the result. In fact, a few months is just to learn how to do exercises and to develop the necessary endurance. The next revelation for me was that a direct path does not work. In order to lose weight (ie lose fat), you must first gain muscle mass (i.e. visually getting fat), and only then to start active weight loss.
Here are some simplified picture of how the body functions. Energy (calories) spent on the maintenance of life and physical activity. If the body with food comes more calories than consumed, then some part of the surplus is deposited as fat. This mechanism was the result of evolution and allowed people to survive in times of famine. And if in the moment the problem of hunger has receded into the background, the ancient schemes, inherent in us, there is nothing to do with it. Therefore, most of the effort is in fact to “cheat” the body. It would seem that it is possible to limit the influx of calories and then fat will not accumulate. It is not so. If the calorie consumption is more than comes from food, the body's need to compensate for the deficiency. Part of the energy (small) course will be taken from the accumulated fat, but so arranged nature that in the first place the body will get rid of the most useless and energy-consuming, namely from the muscle. Why do we need muscles? If you look from the point of view of calorie consumption, that's the only (well, almost) our parameter, which we can influence. If we want to significantly increase your metabolic rate (energy expenditure), we need a lot of muscle. Thus, increasing muscle mass and not allowing to accumulate fats, we can gradually shift the balance towards good shape. In practice, however, more effective is not simultaneous pumping and fat burning, and cycles of weight gain and drying.
So after few months I got used to three workouts a week and started slowly to build muscle. Progress is bad, and I began to think about how you can improve the efficiency of this process. And here on the foreground there was the food. As I said in the previous paragraph, it is important that the amount of nutrients entering the body as accurately as possible consistent with its needs. It turns out that it is possible to calculate. There are formulas that take into account the different parameters weight, height, etc. There are devices that measure metabolism. It does not matter where to start, since the exact values we get a little later. Knowing your estimated daily calorie consumption you can go further, namely to calculate how much proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need to eat every day. For muscle growth it is recommended to eat 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Fat at least 1 gram per kilogram of body weight or less, and the rest carbs. By the way, it turned out that fats are also necessary for normal functioning of the body, although the temptation was not even there. After receiving three numbers, I tried to relate them with real products. Having suffered a few days with the calculations on a piece of paper, I asked the coach whether it is possible to somehow simplify this process, suddenly there is some special software for this? He said that most of the athletes use a fairly limited menu, only 3-4 of the product and therefore, it is not so difficult to find the exact number to eat its normal. I tried. A couple of weeks I had enough, my diet consisted of chicken breast, rice, cottage cheese and oatmeal. I decided that my willpower is quite a finite amount and I'm not ready to subject it to such tests. It was necessary as-that to diversify your meal without reducing the effectiveness of the diet. A little googling, I was surprised to have not found a convenient tool that would solve this problem. Of course, there were many applications for tracking food eaten, but they were not given any bonuses compared to counting on paper. A big disadvantage of this system was that I almost could not eat outside the home. Any trip to a restaurant or cafe, in the middle of the day completely planned out diet. I had to be able to quickly make adjustments to planned menus based on the availability of certain dishes and products.
The ideal solution was a mobile app that would contain a list of products with information about the amount of nutrients allowed to edit this list, add or subtract the quantity of each product, as well as to instantly reduce the daily balance. Almost immediately came the idea to implement this is a list of sliders (number of products). The user can move one of the sliders, and the application adjusts the position of the other, but so that the total amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates through the whole list exactly matched the plan. The problem was reduced to solving a simple system of linear equations, with some restrictions on the solutions. So appeared the first version of datagraph.
The application was made, that is, for himself, so it looked a bit different then. But my trainer is very quickly appreciated the convenience and speed of diet planning in delagrave and gradually into the circle of trust involved relatives, friends and other visitors to the gym. Testing and improvements took more than a year. In the process discovered many interesting details. For example, what is the glycemic index and how fast carbohydrates are different from slow, why not all proteins are created equal and that the fats are saturated or unsaturated, and which of them are useful. The application interface was drastically improved in all aspects, but the solver became much smarter. At some point I got tired of sending the invitation to TestFlight and I decided that Dietograph ready to fill..
After I started to control the power, there are some results, looking ahead, I can say that I managed to gain 10 kg of meat for six months, which is pretty good for my weight (before the start of classes was 62 kg, and in the end weight was 76 kg, beginners it happens). And getting achievements “washboard abs” it took me about a year (and two cycles of the dryer).
If someone decides to repeat my way, I will tell you some life hacks. Because to know the exact individual value of daily calorie consumption is quite difficult and the iterative method. First you need to calculate the value for one of three formulas (“metabolism calculator”), or found on the Internet or ask your coach. Then you need to enter the received data into the calculator day diet and diligently to comply with this diet a couple of weeks, while forget about the scale weighing every 2-3 days. If the weight falls, it means you need to eat more often if growing, so it is possible to eat less. Add and subtract is necessary gradually, no more than 200-300 calories a week. The body is an inertia thing, so almost always have to wait a couple of weeks to notice changes. If the weight is stabilized, we found the desired values and you can choose what to do next, for example, to gain weight. By the way, I seriously malnourished to its rules, when focused on your feelings and appetite. And actually it's quite a counter intuitive thing, you can not fully trust yourself in this matter, better to just count. Another fun fact, an untrained person cannot tell by eye products weight, the error is usually up to 50%, which deprives diet sense. So weigh all of the products (at least until you develop the eye).
It is very important to eat evenly throughout the day. The more meals the better. How would you need to convince the body that hunger is not threatened and there is no reason to delay reserves for a rainy day. For muscle growth also requires a constant influx of nutrients, which is why many athletes eat protein foods before bed, and some even Wake up at night to drink a protein shake.
In any case, I repeat that the diet makes sense only in conjunction with sports. Individually it's not working.
So, let's say you want to do strength training and diet. Let's say you have (like me) special genetic bonus or penalty to the Constitution, and you want to achieve visible results in a year. What you need to be ready? First and foremost is the cost. Costs time and money.
First, it takes time to workout. I stopped at three sessions at the gym per week. Three more have already gives significant bonuses (excluding the drying period, of course). Total, to get to the hall, work out (an hour and a half), then the hitch (about 20 minutes), shower and drive back. I can't miss. At all. Personally, I have one lesson along the road takes about 3 hours. Secondly, a huge amount of time will take the preparation and absorption of food. The average person can eat a big Mac on the way home and drink his beer. You got it wrong. Will have to plan ahead at least a four-time meal, and then painfully shoved in itself is a huge amount of food. If preparation can deal the wife or the slow cooker, then eat it all yourself. I think we can appreciate it all in 3 hours every day. Total 3*3+7*3 = 30 hours per week.
As for the money, then try to estimate the budget on the example of St. Petersburg. A gym membership can cost anywhere from 5,000 to 35,000 rubles a year. Dear hall does not give any bonus in leveling, but it could be more comfortable or just closer to home. Personal training. For beginners it is simply “a must”. I believe that it is absolutely impossible to learn how to do the exercises and expect the program without relevant experience. You'll just be wasting your time or even hurt yourself. A good coach will be able to protect you from injury and optimize loads in real time and will help psychologically. Besides, having a coach is much more likely not to quit and to hold out this year. Personal training sessions cost a lot, 500-1500 rubles for one lesson. A year to buy 30-150 training. The next item of expenditure is food. If carbohydrates and fats are relatively cheap, high-quality protein food is decent money. Well, if you can eat chicken breast all year round (100-200 rubles per kilogram), but if you want variety, the beef is more expensive (400 rubles) and fresh tuna can cost 500-700 rubles. If you have to dine in the café, you can safely multiply all prices by 2 or 3. For the character, weighing 75 kg, per day need about 150 gr. protein, and this amount contains about 750 grams of meat or cheese.
Subscription: 20 000.
Coach: 1000 * 90 = 90, 000.
Food: 300 * 365 = 109 500 rubles.
The app “Datograph”: 329 rubles.
Total: 219 829 rubles.
Of course, I have taken into account here, not all, and someone will find ways to save money, but seriously, this is quite a serious budget. On the other hand, if you do not deal with full dedication, then you will need significantly more time to achieve the same results (if at all reach). Therefore, even in terms of money it makes sense to vpahivat to complete, not to mention the irretrievable time.
For those readers who have mastered this wall of text, I want to draw some conclusions. The topic of sport and nutrition is truly vast and rich in outrage. It would be foolish to claim the ultimate truth. However, it is my personal and hard-won experience. All of the practices described above actually work and show good efficacy that has been tested on myself and a few volunteers. In addition, numerous consultations with experts convinced me that everything is quite safe for health.
As for application, it is made for iPhone and iPod, written in a mixture of C++ and ObjC, so no idea how to port it to Android or WP, if only to rewrite again. Application fee for several reasons. Firstly, I want to recoup the cost of design and other direct costs, and second, that comes for free people value a lot less (I can say that if I found a similar app when I began doing sports, I would not be sorry and amounts much larger). Thirdly, the price of the app is ridiculous with the other expenses. However, if religion or other factors do not allow you to use paid apps, I am ready to send promo codes first 50 applicants, but with the condition that you send me a report about your personal experience of pumping, say, six months.
I will be glad to answer readers ' questions.
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