Sensitive software GLONASS+GPS ported to Intel Atom and ARM7

Four days ago I mentioned about a qualitative leap in the miniaturization of receivers GLONASS+GPS in connection with the advent of chip NAVIS, a smaller ruble coin, and Stillwater consumption.

[Intel Atom]This record NAVIS does not, however, long remained outstanding from the crowd. The day before the company SPIRIT-Telecom announced that her receiver GLONASS+GPS is generally the awarding of software, so that is able to run on a standard Intel Atom processor via an external (USB stuck) antenna. The same Intel Atom processor, as is known, the size is very small (see photo on the right). In addition, in many devices (netbooks and MID) the Atom chip is already installed so spend money on his postanovku don't have to.

The company SPIRIT-Telecom speak there that the sensitivity of a modern commercial GPS receiver approximately -190 dBW, sensitivity domestic GLONASS-receivers — not more than -180 dBW sensitivity software navigation receiver SPIRIT platform Intel Atom reach to -210 dBW and allows confident to receive satellite signals inside premises.

[SPIRIT-GG24-03S-ARM]in addition to Intel Atom, this receiver was ported to the ARM7 core, the architecture of which is freely licensed at a price less polumegabayta that opens the way for domestic production. The company claims that its integrated chip on the basis of the software SPIRIT-GG24-03S-ARM has dimensions 13×13 mm power consumption less than 0.2 W and will cost 450 rubles for mass circulation. (See photo on the right.)

Note, however, that while that chip NAVIS looks a bit cheaper because it eats twice less energy. Benefit spiritoso software will only his enormous vysokochuvstvitel, Yes, cross platform, Yes, the prevalence of the target hardware platforms (Atom and ARM).

Description of the receiver SPIRIT Telecom posted manufacturer. I note that there is in the diagram, the size of the external hardware ("radio-input") the (20×20 mm), than stated above the size of the chip with the awarding of software receiver.

[scheme SPIRIT Telecom]

It turns out that there is a qualitative difference between this two-component system and classic navigation module — about the same as between winmodems (or rather, sitovym modem) and normal modem: some functions passed to the Central processor (in this case Intel Atom or ARM) to dramatically save on the cost of the signal receiver.
Article based on information from


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