Sales statistics apps in the Windows Store

Windows 8 is still a young platform. People and the developers estimate it differently. Someone believes in her success, and someone says about her failure. During the first meeting, two questions arise: a) where are all my apps that I used on other platforms b) why all those apps are that bad.

In order to answer these questions, let's look at the statistics of the app that I published to the Windows Store more than a year ago.

outcoldplayer (the previous name gMusicW) — this is my pet project that I write in my spare time. This is an unofficial client for Google Music. I can call it a fairly successful project in the Windows Store. Though, because at one time it stood first in the list of most purchased applications (now 29th in USA).

If I told anyone that his application is on the top paid apps in Google Play or the App Store — I would guess that he's a millionaire. So whether it's in Windows 8? My short answer: I'm not a millionaire. Last year, I earned much less than my monthly salary that I get on my main job.

a Bit of history about outcoldplayer

I published the first version of the app somewhere in January-February 2013. Yesterday I published the 40th update. I originally distributed the app as free but with ads. Users have the ability to remove advertising with a special package Ad-free

2 months ago I started to distribute the app as paid. For several reasons:

  1. Difficult to maintain design when constantly having to put in a plug.
  2. the
  3. didn't like the quality of biblioteki Microsoft Ad Plaform. The library has left a huge number of unhandled exceptions in TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskExceptionthat had me worried about the quality of the library.
  4. the
  5. Earnings from advertising was very unstable. In one month receive $50, another $500. The filling is very little 32%.

So in the last two months the app has become free and costs $5.99.

Windows Version

I still support Windows 8, but I have the feeling that most app users to move to Windows 8.1

This list also includes employees of Microsoft who are testing the app when publishing. So, we can say that the number of users of Windows 8 is almost 0%. This number differs from the web-statisticiwhere Windows 8 more interest than Windows 8.1.


On average, users of the application happy.

But of course there are unhappy, for example the main complaint



Below, statistics on downloads over the past year. When the app was free he had 200-500 downloads a day. The paid version has 10 to 40 downloads per day (in April noticeable change)

As you can see, most of the downloads from the US (my app supports only one language "en").

screen Resolution

Unfortunately there are no statistics on how many of them support touch

the Process of upgrading applications

It was a huge problem in Windows 8 that users just didn't know how to update apps from Windows Store, and just didn't do it. Constantly received bad reviews or letters with the old bugs or an incompatibility with the latest changes in Google Music. At the moment, as you see, such problems were not (the latest version has been updated to 90%)


I want to sum it up for this reason. Statistics are not pleased, of course. The main problems that I see in the platform: users don't want to use a Windows Store app (and the result probably are not buying Windows tablets), as not so many good apps can be seen there. On the other hand, developers do not want to spend my time developing apps on the Windows Store platform, since there are not so many users are willing to pay. Seriously, I was above Grand Theft Auto in the list of most paid apps, with approximately 35 sales a day. You know the price of GTA in the Windows Store, try multiply.

Does this mean that we should forget about Windows 8 and live with iPad and Android tablets? For us, as users, of course it's good to have 3 different platforms, than 2 (let there be more competition). So my answer is no. I hope that the next Obnovlenie Windows 8 will be more successful. I'm not talking about the start menu, and that Windows Store apps will be possible to run on the desktop in Windows of different size. I think it should give another jump for Windows Store apps. Only time will tell.

If you want to try the app, here is the link outcoldplayer. It is paid. If you don't like it, then somehow Microsoft can elicit a refund (I didn't ask for, I access the payments do not have).



    I am the author of the article, which I translated. Rarely have something to write in Russian, so the number of error can be unexpectedly large. If you see any bugs — I will fix it with pleasure, most importantly, let know about it (preferably in private mail).

    (b) Published in I a PR, so here is a link to the app itself. Don't want to make it look hidden PR. So let's call it public relations.

Article based on information from


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