Review of sandbox from 16 to 22 March

Hello, %username%. Before the new year dreddik made an interesting initiative weekly reviews of the sandbox. And now, toiling from idleness and read already all the articles, I remembered the sandbox and decided to make this review. I chose the most interesting in my opinion article and want to present them to you. Actually articles with the new year has accumulated very, very much. There are frankly weak, there is a very decent, but to do an overview of all articles in a row I don't see the point, and it is time-consuming, and will read to see the review to be tedious. Want to do a small survey to understand — whether you want to continue to do these reviews.

Do work with 3G modem Huawei E352 more comfortable

Instructions on how to simplify the usage of 3G modem. Here is the result:
1) to connect to the Internet has become just click on the tray icon, select the desired connection and click "Connect".
2) When you connect the modem to the laptop no longer automatically start a slow green program (in the settings of the program it can be done)
3) the Modem after connection to the computer is determined as an independent network card, he ceased to consider himself a reader, CD drive and modem all in one.
I personally tried to repeat the instructions, but until something happened, though I have Huawei E173.

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AppThwack — test mobile applications on multiple devices at once

A little review of the service that
If you believe the creators, it allows you to test your apps on hundreds of devices simultaneously, thereby leaving himself more time for more important things. Moreover, after testing, you can get reports and screenshots from each device.
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Renesas Microcontrollers. Sending push notifications

this article demonstrates the possibility of sending notifications to the computer and then to podobnie device.
Goals can be different — recording changes in temperature, pressure and other diagnostic things.
In my vzgyad inexperienced — quite interesting. Just friend recently burned idea service based on notifications. He will appreciate, I think.

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Full HD video Playback on a netbook

The author talks about his experience of running Full HD videos on ASUS Eee PC. The solution was:
I propose to use hardware acceleration, so-called DXVA(DirectX Video Acceleration)
(only the author, the images are broken)

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to help fans of Google Reader:

A sore subject for many. The author offers his solution to the problem:
came to the decision to do a reader test on your VPS.
What was used:
VDS hosting on FreeBSD;
Mounted on hosting Lighttpd-1.4 + mysql 5.5 + php 5.3;
Tiny Tiny RSS v 1.7.4 — download it from here: (link to tarball at the bottom of the page);

As a reader I got TTRSS for a couple of reasons:
A lot of positive feedback in articles and reviews of habrovky;
Supports multiplayer mode;
Uses PHP and MySQL

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According menu in pure CSS

The author cites the example of implementation According menu in pure CSS using pseudo-class :checked instead of :target. I want to note that the author was not lazy, as is often the case and prepared a demo on

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Dell Inspiron N5110 — Carbon

The author shares the experience of improving the appearance of the notebook by gluing carbon foil.
I Want to thank the author for the article, come from China carbon and I will do the same.

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Self-aligning carcass Nikon D5100

In fact, the title of the article speaks for itself. As a bonus — a photo of a pretty girl in the end.

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Take this opportunity to say Hello to the author "the Walrus, or why do I not see the next Android in your smartphone." the Author, only "Margin"
Article based on information from


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