Repository of ready-made solutions MODx Evo

Hi, I represent Studio "Sofa.Design". For over five years we develop sites on MODx Evo. It just so happened that the problems we have always tried to solve in General and we have accumulated a variety of packages (all sorts of snippets, plugins, modules, well, you know). Almost all this time we kept all these things locally and never posted (for various reasons, we omit them ;-). Then once we have finished and posted a couple of products from the official build (ManagerManager, for example), and we liked it. Not like us only official repository MODx, what is he "not"... We sat down and thought about it and found several points that I would like to see in the repository:

  • navigation through the products with the following tags (probably the most comfortable that you can think of).
  • the
  • Output all the products with different sorting: by date of update, name, and number of downloads.
  • the
  • Display product names, dates, short descriptions and the number of downloads in the list of all products.
  • the
  • Each product should be broken into versions, each version should be:
    • Type (plugin, module, snippet, etc), title, version, date, tags.
    • the
    • List of all libraries and other products that are used, if possible with links and reviews whether it is necessary to connect further, or is already contained in the archive.
    • the
    • Description, simple human verbal description.
    • the
    • Screenshots (if you have something to show).
    • the
    • Documentation: installation instructions, configuration, description of the parameters. Each parameter should be: name, description, possible values, default value and whether it is mandatory.
    • the
    • usage Examples.
    • the
    • multi-level tree-like comments. This is very important, people should be able here ask question, answer others ' questions, to report a bug, propose a solution, and just to see what has already been discussed.
    • the
    • List of changes (changelog) in comparison with the previous version.

  • the
  • Also need a separate page with a complete list of changes for all versions. This is a must when you need to upgrade to something with a version of, say, 0.x to 1.x (would be very convenient to see where the path has changed and what problems may arise).
  • the
  • a Simple, annoying, beautiful, minimalistic design, no extra prettiness, but not without the necessary to be comfortable to use on a daily basis.
  • the
  • Able to communicate with the developers (feedback form, for example).
  • the
  • Multilingual support. Not all well know English, and native just convenient at times to read.
  • the
  • RSS with all products and versions.

In the end, we just went and did your own repository, trying to take into account and implement all of the above points, and filled it with their products. While posted is not all, but the most delicious in our opinion. Oh yeah, =)

Write here about all of the products will not very much, and the repository of the description is all there. I would like to mention a new version of ManagerManager (0.4 now, it's time to get closer to 1.0 ;-), timed to the opening of the repository and the module ddMMEditor to him.

Well, go on, write your suggestions, ideas, questions in the comments and everything. Also read our Twitter, and we sometimes write and always answer)

Good day to all, good and positive!
Article based on information from


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