Promotion of non-pop app in Google Play

The last 3 or 4 months I worked long and hard wrote IDE/code editor for web programmers for Android. It so happened that 2.5 years ago I wrote in tandem with a companion similar program, and by some miracle, she was quite successful, despite the fact that it was practically the first experience of creating something, in addition to University laboratory work.

After these years experience, I decided that I can write a program much better and more successful than our first attempt. Under the cut are graphics, information about earnings and any tips on promoting this kind of application.

What made

It is worth noting that all the promotion budget at the moment is 5 thousand rubles, and as many have realized, the money went to the survey on


Happened here happy funny story: a girl who talks with the developers on this topic at first I refused to review, citing the fact that the audience of the portal is wrong, and that I'll just throw the money, fortunately I managed to persuade her. By the way, these investments have paid off almost in the first 3 days. The review wrote itself, who are interested can read it here.

social network

Then I went to the forums mixed up with social networks, but rather with one social network — Google+. About the forums to say nothing, leaving only for convenience, the list of links:

But on the G+ much more interesting. I took a picture like that now in the title of the article, write a short proposal for the program and gave a link. After this message I sasir.. zashpakleval all more or less relevant community. And you know what? It gives effect! People, unlike our "coding" forums, padded and repost — they liked it. And here a very important detail: the pros, which is delivered to the message with a link to the app go to Google Play! For example, my application currently only 2000+ downloads, and G+ plus sign as many as 524, 450 of which I typed in this way. And for those who do not know, these plus now affect the results.

Advertising with house ads using admob

The new interface admob'and very strange. Customize the home is already two days until I read somewhere that for this to work, we need to do something like the following:
  • to Create a company to promote
  • the
  • Click on it in the table
  • the
  • go to the tab "Ad units"
  • the
  • For each banner through the column "Mediation type" stamped eCPM higher than AdMob Network and other networks.

Although in any case, the good of it practically no because of the very narrow audience of the application.

Comments on blogs, responses to questions in the StackExchange/StackOverFlow

Do not ignore this way of advertising because if a person is looking for such a program, why not make him and myself good.

Search Google Play

Now imagine the situation:
Bob: I here is a cool app to download!
Peter: What?
Peter Not found.

Well, you understand.


To view grades use

For a start, the General picture Grossing:

As you can see, nothing spectacular. You can see the impact of the review on 4pda: Russia and Ukraine are quite high.

The growth is almost no.

Appannie does not display the position on the tab "Top New Free", so I can only say that he checked in Productivity category the app takes 6 place in Russia, in Ukraine I do not know, I hope, that somebody from readers will tell).

For downloads, as actually expected, nothing interesting there.

The peak in the graphs on 4pda, which was on the second day after release.

Well, the most interesting is money. The app contains in-app purchaise that was not the best solution in terms of monetization. First, judging by the comments in G+, people are afraid of this method of purchase because, according to them, it is buggy, and second, two positions in the search — is better than one. I chose the in-app purchase only because it is not necessary to control the consistency as much as two descriptions in the store, plus no need to rebuild your application 2 times, pre-changing the package name.

In principle, I am satisfied and will continue to work. The only annoying some of the reviews. The app is not for Housewives, what to install, and if it's not any concern of yours? Here is an example of this (grammar preserved):
I do not understand even a project cannot create, constantly produces errors and respectively to edit the files! I understand that the files to create Todzha not?? And why so much data you need to enter when creating the project?! I can not understand anything! 1
Well and, accordingly, 1 star. A man has a profile on Linkin, in which he serious "Web Developer". True skills for some reason, only Wordpress.

PS. If you write app for geeks, it can score to support devices with OS prior to ICS. I have for example they are less than 3%.

Thank you for your attention.
Article based on information from


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