Portaller — now with support for Pandora, Spotify, Rdio, Netflix and Amazon Video on all devices

/ > I want to tell you some interesting news about what is happening with Portaller is a small service to use Pandora, Spotify, Netflix and several services outside the United States.

In one line, if you have no time to go under the cat — except for Pandora and Spotify now supports Netflix and Amazon Video, the service works on all devices, including clients on Android (why this emphasis — see below) and it is possible to join on GitHub.

Project on GitHub
The main thing that happens to him in this difficult time — it works and is still free and outdoor. If you want something to help or just to "do this" — please join us.

How much traffic
When a service is only start, I, like many commentators were extremely sceptical about the capacity and inventory traffic on a Junior droplet DigitalOcean. Doubts were vain — all the currently supported services are able to transmit the content directly to the client using the proxy just to create/pay for an account, log in or transmit control commands. The total monthly amount of traffic in this use — in the region of 200GB.

What services are supported
At the start of the service could only work with Pandora and Spotify, and only in the browser or in apps on iOS. Right now there are five services — three audio (Pandora, Spotify, Rdio) and two video (Netflix and Amazon Video). More importantly, they all work on all platforms — browser, desktop clients, and TV with SmartTV, iOS and Android.

Some have difficulty
I specifically focused on the support platforms because of its trivial, especially for Android — suddenly you'll ever need. The fact that many apps on Android when working with SSL, use libraries without the support of the SNI (Server Name Indication) and thus do not transfer the domain name within the SSL session. Because of this simple proxying requests to the sniproxy/haproxy becomes impossible — the application behaves conventionally, as a naive girl, and they do about the dialogue:

Pandora: I came. Let's (waiting for something)
SNIproxy: — What to give? (does not understand what to give)

Pandora: I came. Come on (repeats the request and still waiting for something)
SNIproxy: — What to give? (still don't understand)

Pandora: — Well, okay, I'm leaving (breaks konekshen, shows the user an error message)

SNIproxy throws up his hands and writes the error to log.

Well, you understand. If the application uses SNI, then the first sentence of the picture is changing — it directly informs which domain wants to address and the difficulties with the proxying of these requests does not occur. The solution I found only one for each domain with which this application wants to work with SSL, you need to raise a separate IP, and to describe it in a separate zone in DNS. In this case, the proxy on this address will only work with one domain and application is, of course, satisfied.

Finally I want to give you this link — http://portaller.com/setup. It tells how to configure DNS on different devices (in General no rocket science), but if you need to know how to access US-only Smart TV apps for Samsung TVs — it can be useful.

Come, use on health.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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