Habrahabr is not a cake. Habrahabr cheese.

Fall update Habrahabr, unfortunately, has many convincing characteristics of the raw code (read them and write in the comments if I am something 't noticed or missed it):

  • has fallen Off the design of several HTML elements in the comments to blogsavvy: blockquote, source, em, strong, sub, sup, etc. Interestingly, some of the elements of the unhindered working when the user is viewing the list of your reviews on the page habrahabr.ru/users/username/comments/
  • the
  • refresh Button especially and button jump in the comments was already at altitude and the difficulty of getting it, according to the law Fitts, increased sharply (graph a logarithmic function becomes steeper when approaching it to the y-axis to the right in the direction opposite to the x-axis).
  • the
  • elements of a div of class info took a bite right inside the box so that a tick voting for review unsightly adhere closely to the right edge of it.
  • the
  • In blogoshpere used one chopped the font (Verdana), and in the comments is slightly the other (Arial), the contrast between them is too insufficient, it is therefore, unfortunately, the feeling is not conscious of the difference and sloppy nudedenise. I must say, in from the font Verdana to Arial rather justified, because, as we know, the original version of the Verdana font, which is supplied by Microsoft in 1996 as part of the whole line of its products (Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer for Windows, Internet Explorer for Mac OS...), contrary to the Unicode standard, since the characters are combined diacritics (accents, umlauts, etc.) was applied not to the previous symbol and the next. This error was corrected in the version of the Verdana font, which is included in Windows Vista and subsequent products as well as shipped with the European Union Expansion Font Update; but they set, of course, not all, so use the font Verdana in General should be avoided on the Internet, in order not to create inconsistency with the accents. But the current transition to Arial is not finished, and so half so that it looks damp, and that's his problem.
  • the
  • Eliminate the "All" category (meaning "All records") also looks crude — that's just not that enough decorated, but rather misconceived. It turned out that there is no way to read new blogs blogoshpere in companies without having to go and love (button) each company separately — that it was in the settings ribbon. And the appearance of the new companies and blogging in General, you have to think that goes unnoticed, as below their notice, it is necessary to read them and to read them, we must first notice them and climb put a checkbox in the settings ribbon. A vicious circle. But ... there is money in companies doing it on their blogs, and therefore should be interested in attracting new paid bloggers — so autumn update 2011 looks scary close to financial suicide. I would like to see ... walking in the footsteps of the unfortunate Avianovy.
  • the
  • In some parts of the site (for example, on the page where typing blogozapisi) is used javascripteval library mootools, and others (for example, in blogoshpere) of jQuery. I must say, in transition from mootools to jQuery rather justified, but it is clear that it is not complete and that part of the behavior of jQuery migrate are unable (or able, but not as it was before — say, ordinal jump to comments somehow has changed chronological).
  • Know what the suspicion is all that I have is?

    The suspicion that in the development of Habrahabr not using DVCS (e.g. Git or Mercurial) with a simple branching code as the progressive introduction of new features, and uses a simple VCS (like SVN or even CVS), so that some changes in the code of the site in General can not be available information about other (because all changes, even raw, progressive entered into the same branch of the code, in the same bunch of files). And it turns out that when the administration of the site immediately demanded to introduce just one new product (for example, the abolition of the invites), then inevitably it had to introduce a whole bunch of other raw and undisciplined code from the two libraries instead of one, with two fonts instead of one, with clumsy CSS and dumps analyzer source code in the <source>...</source>.

    One can hardly think of a better example (and even advertising, advertising!) in favor of Git or Mercurial, and generally in favor of DVCS systems than the current circumstances Habrahabr.

    That's why I originally put this in blogoshpere blog "System management version" — and not in blog "I Habrahabr", as you might think.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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