GPS Updater — accelerate the speed of the GPS fix for Android without mobile Internet

As you know, the "bare" GPS during cold start without external help, gets the coordinates for 3-12 minutes. This is due to the fact that the dataset with coordinates of satellites is transmitted by each satellite is 12.5 minutes. Taking data simultaneously from several satellites this time can be reduced, but it still is quite large.

Phones under Android is no exception. When you start for example Yandex.Card, your Android via mobile Internet trying to get the accurate time, and download through the Internet the parameters of the satellite orbits (almanac and ephemeris). With this information the coordinates can be obtained in just a few seconds.

Usually the problem with capturing speed of GPS coordinates trying to solve by edit the gps file.conf (which requires Lutovinovo phone) — for example there can be mentioned non-working NTP servers. But what if mobile Internet is not at all?

To solve this problem, I asked a colleague Xonder to write a program GPS Updater, which according to the schedule downloads the Almanac over the home WiFi (if necessary, including WiFi, and then turning it off) that provides the time coordinates during the day ~5-45 seconds. As a side effect — all apps, downloaded mail, and so on.

In addition, the program can turn on WiFi and update the Almanac while charging, when electricity is not sorry. And all this free download with no ads for free. I hope this program will be helpful to some readers.

Importantly, the program does not take memory at all — it is run only to handle events (like connection of charging or the time of scheduled updates).
View screenshot

Answers questions and fixes bugs — Xonder.

PS. Yes, this program is only for those who have not switched on the mobile Internet.
Article based on information from


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