Doctor-linuxoid or sysadmin-Smith? Ecosystem Habrahabr

Begin with small lyrical digression...

Any population is sustainable is quite diverse in its inner structure. For example, fields of wheat — monoculture system, in natural conditions, wheat can not be found in such density. As a consequence of any pest instantly causes mass death of such a population, if we do not take huge efforts to maintain the system.
Mono — unstable. Any external factor can bring it out of balance. To return to the balance point can only be expending a lot of effort.

Natural meadow — the opposite situation. It is characterized by significant species diversity, complex interrelationships between populations that make up a whole. When exposed to negative factors (pest attack, disease outbreak, etc.), trigger the natural mechanisms of compensation are activated a negative feedback that returns the system to the equilibrium point.
Mixed systems, formed naturally sustainable. Return to the point of equilibrium occurs the system.

What does this have to Habrahabr?

Anyone familiar with the project long enough comes to thinking about the uniqueness of its ecosystem. In the discussions facing views and expert assessments are so different directions that it makes you wonder: "what brings together so many different people?". Habr — system self-regulating, variegated as a patchwork quilt, but at the same time, whole and United. In its structure it is similar to a natural ecosystem, tempered in the crucible of natural selection. It is this quality that distinguishes it from artificially created "interest groups" that fall apart as soon as the moderators weaken the control. He balances around the equilibrium point, giving rise at the junction of specialties, interests and Hobbies of its members, new ideas and wonderful concepts.

I suddenly wondered, is there any among us "pure" IT professionals. The topic 3D printing on the basis of the welding machine suddenly it turns out that among us there are professional welders, people who have their own smithy, managers of chemical plants. Speaking for myself, I am a professional doctor, graduated from College, internship and residency. With all this, IT has become for me something much more than just a hobby. Linux, 3D design, administer small networks — all included in the circle of my interests. Almost every one of us — an odd mixture perfectly incongruous, at first glance, interests. This is what makes our community so flexible and adaptive.

short survey

Very interesting to see how my feelings really correspond with reality. It would be interesting to hear your opinion in the discussions. Happy new year to you, friends))
Article based on information from


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