
Greetings to all readers of Habrahabr.

Today I have prepared a script with which you can achieve easy navigation. Click image to download the script for Greasemonkey (if you don't want to click on image — click this link), and I will tell you yet more about this thing.


What does this do?

CommentsFx is a script that adds new functionality to pages reviews Habrahabr. CommentsFx is, in fact, part of the HabraFx, but I decided to give the opportunity to other users to use this extension to bypass the installation HabraFx (some users don't need all the features of HabraFx). HabraFx users should not worry: very soon the extension is updated to include functionality CommentsFx.


How to?

To install, you need Greasemonkey. I think, here problems should not arise, however, if they occur, please write in comments.


What does?

Here is a list of skills the current version of the extension:
  1. sort the branches of a review date;
  2. the
  3. Display only new comments (to be precise, branches with new comments);
  4. the
  5. Hiding comments with some strange things, incomprehensible to the ordinary person;
  6. the
  7. a Linear mapping of the review (sometimes it is very useful for such a view);
  8. the
  9. Manage comments for individual users: highlight specific user comments, hiding comments of their own;
  10. the
  11. Memory status: you don't have to re-configure the extension with each new opening of the review, as CommentsFx remembers your choice and honors it;
  12. the Robbery of trains and caravans.

I think it's a long story, not worth it — try it yourself.



The collapsed state (as blood)

Detailed status:


parting words

Can modify the script as you want: I'm just glad new ideas and innovations from the community. Good luck to you all!
Article based on information from


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