As we write weekly reports for clients

Hello, Habr!

Recently launched a new feature — weekly reports for clients. The bottom line is: the project Manager every Monday is a letter report which describes the current situation on the project. And sends it to the client. The peculiarity is that for a report we invented a special form. Now in order to tell.

So, the structure of the letter. The first two lines are the most important for the client. The first is the current status of the project, the answer to the global question, "is All well?". The second is the prediction: "whether is okay?"

Next to each line we put a colored asterisk. Green — no problems yellow — there are problems, red — critical problem.

Thus, the customer can look at two stars in the beginning of the letter (do not read) and for half a second to understand how things in the project. For example, the combination means "is now in the project all is well, but in the future may be worse." And then there is a detailed structured report (with explanations why you may be worse).

Details are submitted in the following sequence:

  • as Time, budget, release dates (project and individual phases) plans.
  • the
  • Then followed by the problems, ideas, risks, issues to the client.
  • the
  • After the note "informing" moments that can be useful to the client. For example, the starting service of a competitor.


How come?

The customer need to monitor the status of the project — is always present. At first, we also sent report text, in the "free" form. Then came to the conclusion that we ourselves would like to track the weekly status of the project on some indicators (important to us). Wrote this list:

Then I tried to give all this "visual", to simplify the perception. Made the shape with stained areas (where green — everything is good, where the red — critical problems requiring urgent solutions). The table itself was wildly confusing, but the idea with the colors we liked.

And there was a report with colored icons.

For consistency, reports were filed very specific requirements:

the Report should "read" first time:
  • Pyramid structure of the report: first things first, then detail.
  • the
  • Active use of icons and color designations.
  • No attached files! Only the letter itself! (On the apps sometimes just do not pay attention)

Distinction indicators in the report group:
  • Primary (this includes the first two lines (condition and prognosis), the release date of the project and the current stage, the budget, important moments).
  • the
  • Secondary (plans, problems, ideas, risks, and clarifying issues to the customer).

Presence in the abridged parts, which includes:

    feedback. the

  • Information about events that may impact the client's business.

In this report we do not just denote the arising (or could arise) problems, but offer possible ways of their solution. For the client to respond to the letter.


Why do we need a weekly report?

It serves several purposes — as a very obvious and some not so good.

First, it provides transparency of the development process. a strategic Goal. It is convenient for the customer (the business owner) and his representative, formally "responsible" for the use of the budget. When there is the whole history of the process, for it is easier to report.
Second, the report manage customer expectations. the report includes not only the current status of the project, but realistic predictions. And they form appropriate expectations and reduce the risk that once there is a conflict of interest.

Thirdly, the report notifies the client about problems possible changes and risks. The report is written at the beginning of each week, this means that the customer has time to make a decision regarding the problem, and we have quickly to resolve it.

Fourth, the report allows you to get feedback from the client. When the customer is actively and regularly involved in the life of the project — the higher the probability that the finished product "will fall into expectations."

Fifth, the report is "appreciately paper". We intentionally write reports without any reference to specific people, through whose fault something went wrong (even if you do the problems in the project arose through no fault of their own). Only current problems, potential problems (prediction) and the possible solutions to these problems. Thus, the Manager representing the customer, has in hand a document, which can always be invoked in the event of a conflict and explain to the customer that the problem has arisen here for those particular reasons.

by the Way, there is a subtle but super-useful human quality as "the ability to report problems". I recently even doing a survey on this topic among colleagues. If on the side of the customer you are working with a Manager prone to postponing problems for later, the report — not the worst way to deprive him of this privilege.

We outline a problem, offer a solution, a responsible person on the customer side responds to the report, the problem is eliminated. The whole process is documented, so that in the event that the report protects us and the customer representative.


so, what we have:

What: a report on the current and future status of the project.
Who writes: project Leader.
How often: every Monday Morning.
send: emailed To the Manager of the customer + copy to my mail.

Of course, not without problems. The main difficulty lies in the total dislike of people to write reports. That's what will have to fight:

  • project Managers will constantly defer such routine task "for later".
  • the
  • will Have to teach not only his but also the client's managers — time to read the reports and react to them.

If you are willing to personally motivate everyone to "forget" about the reports managers, you can try to implement this by myself. But for smaller companies I would recommend.

Please Express your opinion about such reports. How, in your opinion, are they useful/harmful to the overall process and why.
Article based on information from


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