Another interesting customer review on habré

Sorry, I have not been able in time to participate in the discussions of the improvement of the review on habré (topic 1, topic 2). And I just have something to say. Few, though, but in the case with ready-made solutions and the ability to try.


I must say that decision points I was very surprised, as it added to the page a lot of visual elements (noise), and even those that are shown/hidden, when you hover the mouse over the thread of comments (some from this, even the brakes appeared). As a result, the problem has not been solved.

Very correct conclusion made DileSoft about this solution here:
there was a specific simple problem — at first sight are not visible on the first level of review.

Instead of trying to solve it in a simple way, you come up with an intricate monstrous meaningless system that does strange things loosely associated with the original problem.

But the underlying problem remained unresolved — at first sight are not visible on the first level of review. Well done.

In the discussions surfaced several proposals:
– Pop up script (redundant solution + adds a lot of noise)
the Idea of the grey bar to the left from homm (destroys the page design)
– To remove the large left indent (incompatibility with a new design)
And there were a few other suggestions like "the big avatar first", "their colors", "delete all the first meet" (like fiction)...

As you can see, the result was the solution that is least changed the current design... Logical :)


Can offer some compromise

I was very surprised that surfaced the most beautiful script from mdevils , which is recommended on each Abraforte.

He has the only drawback that it puts [–] just before root comments, which have at least one answer, which cannot serve as a complete indicator of root review.

But if, after installing it, open the code and comment out only one line (No. 155)
if (thread.getElements('li.comment_holder').length==0) return;

We get such a result:
(everything is beautiful, nothing superfluous, but without editing the first [–] would not be)

I believe that such a thing is already long overdue to introduce habré (not points hover) because it solves 2 problems:
  1. Adds a display root reviews
  2. the
  3. Adds the ability to hide discussion threads that often helps in large discussions (of the type Harpurhey)
This solution is still very good because it does not affect either the structure of the page, no design Habra, adding only neat a least element.

Think about this decision said monaxide, obviously not knowing about this wonderful extension.


left Indent and point

About the indentation on the left was said by many. I think everyone understands that it will not do anything, as it is part of the new design. So for those who got rid of him using my style Habrahabr — Inversion compact skin and for those who just want to get rid of spots (since the points are in conflict with the above described script, are drawn on top of markers), I posted Patch v1.2 for StarCraft compact skin.
It does 2 things:
– removes points
– nesting of the comments on the width of the avatars (a very good offer from 3fonov here)

Good, this patch should be put after the main style, and the first patch (top instruction + a topic about the patch v1.1), but to address only these two tasks, it can also work separately.

I myself use this style to outdent to the left, getting rid of the dots and the script for marking the root of the comments.


And now, at the end of the picture, which at the beginning of a topic

It's little surprise from counter-strike :)

When I started reading Habr, I was pleasantly surprised by the reading system reviews with these arrows, which give the opportunity to rise to the comment that floated up, and then go back and continue reading.

But it took very little time, and realized that it was not very convenient as a little lost context when travelling, and I don't like the fact that when you return, the review is aligned to the top edge of the browser window (and I like to read).

Then I wrote this little script "Answer to...".
That's what it does:
Gives you the opportunity to pocitat the text of the review which answers this comment.

When you hover over the arrow to the "Response" at the top of the browser POPs up a window with a few lines of comment to which this replies. It helps when that review went up behind the screen and do not want to it to scroll to remember what it was.

If those few lines are not enough, you can always click on the arrow and go back to that review for a full reading (the normal behavior of the arrow).
On the words is hard to describe. This is what better time to try...

Would be very happy if this decision was implemented on habré native, or explained why you can't do it.

I use this script for more than 3 months, but only now got around to share :(
But better late than never.

I have it all.
I will be glad comments and suggestions.

Article based on information from


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