AimTask, or how we did the task scheduler

Hello world!
In this article I will tell you about how my friends were doing their version of the software implementation of GTD and in the end we did it.
How did what we did and what we wanted to in the end? How it all began and than ended?
So are you still interested? Then, as they say, Welcome under kat.

It all started about a year ago my acquaintance with the customer and the ideologist of the project. After a brief telephone conversation with him in my head was postponed only what you need to do what the program, such as for internal needs of the institution where the customer, in which you can create and store your notes in General, a piece of cake of the same month. Therefore, the meeting with the customer I was with a clear certainty that will give me a small TK I will do it fast and you get a modest fee.

However, at the meeting it became clear that need to do some more, namely a task management system that will work on all possible platforms, with the ability to work offline and online, synchronizing data in the cloud and be as simple and understandable to any housewife. As he said this system should make a direct competition to such recognized classics of the genre like Wunderlist, Getflow, etc. My reaction? After 2 years working in a munitions factory for the implementation of the exchange protocols between devices and vilaplana brick interfaces for the needs of the military... hell Yeah! Ready! When do I start? This proposal was like a breath of fresh air and seemed able to realize for so long forgotten dream to do something reasonable, good, eternal and leave your mark in history.

Having to think about a couple of days I said goodbye to the customer and on the way home, I began to develop a plan of action. And so what I can do myself, at work I write in C++/Qt I love Qt and I like the pros, so no issues desktop client I'm painting. Besides, he will immediately cover the 3 platforms Windows, Mac and Linux, and with a very limited budget, it does seem like a great solution. Will someone tell what to write interfaces on the pros for a long time and not effective, shorter hemorrhoids. However, I think that the main thing is not to write and what you write, I mean. And each programming language or framework has its own troubles... Developer on desktop is OK on itself, you can always rely on.
But then? Need clients for android, ios, it would be nice also web client, and Yes most importantly the synchronization server. Who else to involve in this adventure? Of course University mates. After all, after serving for one bench 6 years with them you know what they, better than any staffing Agency with experience.
Rushed calls. Hey Leh! A hundred years no see how are you? Th work? ... Me too. Yes, here the theme is to earn a little... Let's tomorrow for a beer in the evening there's talk... Listen and Serge th where? All in the same place? Listen give me his phone and then I have a pipe drowned old contacts to cover all Earrings... Hey, what's up with that? You understand chenibud server? ....... Keruh Hello ... who the horse's coat, come on come tomorrow night...
Total +4 on the developer thing on each of the platforms and the server. Further meetings in pizzerias and pubs, meeting with the customer, the drafting of a new real-tor, creation of project pages on wikia, fighting with deadlines, familiarity with GTD various creative conceptual debate, change-ios developer and looking for a new, a chance meeting of a former classmate who helped us with the design... and a lot of programming in the evenings, nights and weekends.
Now a year has passed. What we have now? We have a server client for Windows/Mac (alpha), almost alpha android client, ios and web clients with which to use yet...
And, a few words about why we believe our system the best in the world attractive
— synchronize (your tasks are available to you anywhere where there is Internet)
— ability to work offline (if no Internet)
— possibility of group work (create tasks to each other)
— each task has a field for discussion “correspondence”
— correspondence, you can attach files
— convenient search and filter tasks
— you can not register and use the client as a local notebook
— we made a alpha version of this which saw it yourself, and we will be glad if you will help us make our system even better with their comments and suggestions.

Anyone can download the Windows and Mac clients here and here.

Well, a couple of screenshots last. Screenshots only for windows because the GUI clients for Mac and Linux are identical and the interfaces of client applications for ios, android and browsers is also very very similar except for the differences made in favor of ios and android guidelines.

The login screen
Task list
The area of correspondence in the problem

PS I apologize in Advance and ask not to judge strictly for possible bugs, especially under MacOs, this is still alpha.
Article based on information from


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