A difficult START. The story of one grant

In early 2011, we were advised to take part in the competition for a grant under the program START of Fund of assistance to development of small forms of enterprises in scientific-technical sphere (the Bortnik Fund). Grant amount of 1 million rubles.

Having estimated the forces, we decided to try, in January 2011, prepared documentation, passed the selection, received a grant for our startup Rizzoma.com. For 1.5 years we have received from the Fund 875 thousand rubles, the latest 125 on the way.

Analysis of the correlation of hemorrhoids and use works under a grant under the program START 2011

If Tomsk, the money will not be. Already sawn

the First condition of the contest was to apply at www.fasie.ru, the application should be completed in a special section of the website: all.fasie-online.ru

Filling applications include the filling of several hundred fields, among which the text of the description and select the categories to which the project relates. After the application was submitted, it was necessary to present the project to the Commission. We bet that all the projects will be Prez in Power Point and quickly get bored of their fee, which eventually dozed off. So we decided to make a video. We showed this video here:

The idea worked, and we got the list of winners. Then magically we were awarded the bid as the St. Petersburg startup, and the budget we were treated to Tomsk. The fact that we have the company address, the address of the founder and address, where applied, was in three different cities. In Tomsk, all already was drank, and we list the winners was removed.

We thought we had lost the grant. But suddenly it turns out that our project is sunk into the soul of one of the members of the Commission, who watched the video. With us got in touch and called at the start of the 2011-2. It was necessary to re-execute all documents, only in a slightly different format, with a large number of minor differences. Moreover, the format of the application was, though similar, but very different particulars. Had to send it in MS Word to several places and every coordinate different parts of the application.

You can see one of the snapshots of our application in Google Docs. Please note that since the rules changed 10 times, so the application is more of a historical value.

Now to the issue of intellectual property. If your startup is set to grow to a normal investment and enter the market, it is still intellectual property will need to arrange correctly, i.e. to redo everything. On all matters of the Fund, you can write that will be done in three months, and then just do the order on "know-how" (pattern order) and nothing more is needed. By the way, the Painting appealed against the requirements of the Fund in the face and now nothing. I wonder if this was in the Fund.

Signing of the contract. The dictatorship of buhgalteria

In theory the contract should be drawn up on the basis of the winning proposal. In practice, we presented a bunch of comments relating to the wording, and the views of different reviewers often disagreed. The application had to negotiate with three different people from the Fund, each of which had their own view of the correctness of the language.

Constantly had to keep in contact by phone with the curator of the project. To call the curator of the difficult, long conversations, the curators don't like, often interrupted the conversation, unable to resolve the issue. You could spend half a working day to communicate with the curator. As a result, the solution of small problem could take a half-day.
Upon further interaction, it became clear that among the other bureaucrats a key role in the play Fund accountants. The signing of the contract retroactively — a clear example of what turns into a dictatorship accountants in practice. For them it seems like a favor to us (so they say). But for us — the money August 30, the requirement to report for them in July, and a statement on the postponement of "any reason" that they can't think. And we have to agree on a postponement with the different departments of the Fund.

And there may be transfer of contract to another supervisor, whose comments on the project.

Fund Start, in our view, would be fine to continue "Monday begins on Saturday" Strugatsky or less well-known "Tale of the Troika".

Reporting. Experience minimize hemorrhoids

Formally, the money is paid according to the results of completed stages, according to the state contract. Each stage closes the report. The Fund does not have the slightest understanding of what a startup. So if you happen to pass such a report, then don't even try to write that something has changed in the plans. It is important to understand that the Foundation needs the Kant reporting-in-itself. Just so was. Each report is written under the relevant paragraphs of the specification to the contract. Key requirements of the Fund — reports need to be prepared to become the primary documentation for accounting transactions.

In practice, the ideology of this report is very simple. See the wording of the TOR. An example of possible wording is: "Development of technical specifications for tools for managing appointments". The name is taken and broken to pieces in some way, like this:
  • the development of the first parts of the tor: the main purpose
  • the
  • to develop the second part of technical specifications: additional appointment
  • the
  • development of the third part of technical specifications: black destination (well, green).

After the job is divided into several points, it is necessary to complete the various associations on the topic of the project and summarize in the title. Then add a few screenshots and pieces of code. When we handed over the report without piece of code, it longer coordinated. So don't be afraid of the code, may have several pages of code to shove. In addition, the report has the pieces: the introduction and the conclusion. It is better to do after everything else is ready.

How to check the reports? The subject area of what makes your startup in the Fund are not interesting. To expect any opinion or comment about this not worth it. In our experience, "Really only checked the beginning and the end of the report so once the report is ready, we need to give these items the attention and write where the linked text is well aligned with the wording in the TOR". You can view report 1.2 in our project (GDocs).

The next portion of money is transferred only after the report for the period rented.

Net benefit from grant — 25K rubles a month

the Key point of contract for IT projects is that the main item of cost should be the salary. That is, it turns out that taking into account all taxes of million rubles of real money just 600 thousand.

The economy here is as follows. Tranches are portions 125 thousand for the two reports. Approximately equal intervals. That is, 40 thousand cash per month. When you consider the cost of the paperwork (graph is above), then the money supply can be estimated at 25 thousand per month.

In addition to money, any benefits from participation in the program Start there. The points:
  • as we have previously noted, any adequate expertise in the IT sector for the Fund.
  • the
  • grant project Start has zero value from the point of view of public relations. Investors didn't behave at the mention of the Fund. The Foundation of their winners not advertise and do not promote.

The money received under the grant amounted to 3% of the total amount raised in a financing project.

Output. The Fund can be accessed, if you have free time

we Have a lot of tasks associated with writing. Therefore, the reports Start doing writers-beginners instead of probation. And of course Max, who somehow maintains all administrative matters. In our team work with the Start perceived as a duty.

So if you have in General solved the problem of the financing of the project, there is someone to hold lyrics + experience with accountants, you might want to go and participate in this program. If the task of attracting investment to the project is not solved, it is better to send forces to search other sources.

Market around Start growing, and now there is a proposal to give all the work from Start to outsource, while the startup gets a little less than a fifth of the amount of the grant.

Participants of R & d competition Start: max, Simon, Daniel and two of Vladimir, Olga walking somewhere was on the basic work, therefore in screenshot not included.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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